Richmond RCSupplyStore LogoZapGlue Logo

Change Log Highlights Since Introduction

Year Month Day Production Change Approximate Date Description of Change
1999 09 17 First Announced
1999 09 18 Booking for Delivery 1999 10 20
1999 10 20 Shipping Orders
2001 04 01 Wing Span Increased from 57 to 60". Wing area increased from 570 to 600 sq in. Now more stable and even easier to land. . 


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Prices, Specifications, Features and Availability subject to change without notice
Production Colors and Graphic Schemas may differ from that shown. 
Artwork, text and information for the use of consumers and Richmond RC customers only
For information contact

2001-04-02 00:06:22 Hit Counter

News, Sales, Promos!
Richmond RCSupplyStoreA Division of Richmond RC Supply Ltd.ZapGlueA Division of Richmond RC Supply Ltd. (604) 940-1066