Richmond RCSupplyStore LogoZapGlue Logo


Please note: graphics and photos shown depict this model unless specifically stated otherwise. Graphics details and color may vary slightly during production.

Year Month Day Production Change Approximate Date Change Log: Description of Change
2003 10 15 First Announced
2003 11 20 First Shipments
2003 12 06 Added to On-Line Store.


logoweb96small.gif (1626 bytes) 

©Richmond RC Supply Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized commercial use strictly prohibited.
Prices, Specifications, Features and Availability subject to change without notice
Production Colors and Graphic Schemas may differ from that shown. 
Artwork, text and information for the use of consumers and Richmond RC customers only
For information contact

2003-12-06 12:43:14 Hit Counter

News, Sales, Promos!
Richmond RCSupplyStoreA Division of Richmond RC Supply Ltd.ZapGlueA Division of Richmond RC Supply Ltd. (604) 940-1066