Product Information

5 Units of Measure: All measurements are taken in metric units. Imperial units are derived rather than measured. In cases where two or more numbers are used to compute a result, the calculation is done in metric and the result converted to imperial.   20070106
6 In general, measurements are accurate to within: + - 3% except + - .30 for measurements of magnitude 10.0 or less.   20070106
7 Distances such as length, width, depth, thickness etc are measured to the nearest: 1 mm. When converted to imperial, inches are calculated to the nearest .01 in. except to the nearest .001 in. for distances approx 30 mm or less   20070106
When measuring wire diameter, machined metal parts etc where a micrometer or caliper is used, measurements are taken to the precision of the measuring instrument and expressed using more significant figures. The presence of additional digits to the right of the decimal is used to denote this higher level of precision.
8 Weights and Mass are measured to the nearest: 1 gram. When converted to imperial, pounds and ounces are calculated to the nearest .01 lb. or .01 oz. except to the nearest .001 lb. or the nearest .001 oz. for weights of approx 500 g or less   20070106
9 Volumes related to fluids are measured to the nearest: 1 ml or 1 cc. When converted to imperial, volumes of fluids are calculated to the nearest .01 oz. except to the nearest .001 oz. for volumes of approx 500 ml or less   20070106
10 Volumes related to non-fluids are measured to the nearest: .01 cbm (cubic metre). When converted to imperial, volumes of non-fluids are calculated to the nearest .01 cubic ft. except to the nearest .001 cubic ft. for volumes of approx .1 cbm or less.   20070106

20100307 23:46:47 PST. Subject to Change Without Notice.
Copyright Richmond RC Supply Ltd. SPC-TM_PR25J_spec.htm